networked insurgencies

Memes are funny. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk. These reoccurring characters, ideas or nonsensical combinations of words are your typical meme outlay and have the power to change the world. The conscious and subconscious messages they implant in your thought process overtime can be a dangerous weapon. I for one find communist memes quite... Continue Reading →

feudalism 2.0

I have recently been on a social media ~detox~ that could potentially span until the end of time. I couldn't shake the feeling that everything I was seeing was curated for my eyes, brain and key demographics. Sure, as a marketing and digital media student, this is fascinating stuff. However, as a consumer, it is... Continue Reading →

the attention economy

Success on the internet can be clocked up to well produced content, luck (or intentional nature?) of the algorithm, viral topic mention or a skill in a certain area. Standing out with a skill, talent, area of mild expertise or passion can be difficult when everyone else has this so called talent. Food and recipe... Continue Reading →

comments & critical reflection

Pitch One: Pantone Games (Josephine Doyle) Source This first pitch, Pantone Games, is a project that aims to explore colour psychology in specifically mobile games. The current expected form of the digital artefact is an Instagram page, short YouTube videos and blog posts that present the analytical findings. I found this pitch structure very refreshing,... Continue Reading →

the chronic task of sorting

Discussing my degree with particular family members often leads to confusion on one end and invalidity on the other. Tweeting, blog posts, online discussion - none of this is tangible. Look at my new commissioned drawing of sonic the hedgehog erotica rings a little different to look at this wooden chair I made you pops.... Continue Reading →

research & ethics: tofu and dilemmas

For my research area I am planning to explore vegan food and wellness content on YouTube and related platforms. More specifically, the health advice and recommendations provided and the legitimacy of these claims and the environment it comes from. In order to put my past ideas into legitimate points, secondary academic research and considering ethical... Continue Reading →

civilisation of the mind

The cyberpunk subculture in its heyday was internet badasses - hacking, weird clothes and the epitome of the entire aesthetic of The Matrix. It was described as the Red Light District of the Virtual Community by Steve Mizrach. The cyberpunk set up today goes a little something like this: Source I think the loss of... Continue Reading →

digital artefact: pitch

'this book does not exist' will be an eBook/online magazine that compiles AI produced reference images and my recreated digital art versions using Reddit user feedback. The AI image websites I plan to use are listed here and here. My personal favourites to help explore my art style are: This Person Does Not Exist (help... Continue Reading →

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